When it comes to defending yourself from the harmful effects of sun damage, the message has been the same for several years: Wear sunscreen daily. Never fake bake at a salon. And if a mark or mole changes in a certain way, have a dermatologist check it out. While this is still sound advice, there are some recent skin-related breakthroughs. For our third annual Practice Safe Sun special section, we compiled the most exciting studies, plus takeaway advice, to protect you from skin cancer (including melanoma, the second most common cancer for women in their 20s). It’s nothing radical — just simple moves to help you maintain a gorgeous glow.
Your body has another cancer danger zone.
Your legs are the number one spot where melanoma strikes. But a new study found that women are also much more likely to develop melanoma on the chest, stomach, and back than they were a generation ago. “Because of low-rise jeans and halter tops, a woman’s middle racks up exposure to the sun like never before,” explains Georgetown University Hospital dermatologist Sandra Read. Just as you slather sunscreen with an SPF of 15 on your legs and arms, rub it onto your midsection as well.